Friday, September 21, 2012

Go Green

Today is a rest day...if you are a runner or have trained for a race where you are "warranted" a rest know how wonderful it feels! I was able to sleep in until 6:00 (with a few snooze button pushes). My goal recently has been to sit at the table while eating breakfast as opposed to sitting on the couch in front of Matt Lauer. I may still sit at the table, but don't worry The Today Show is within earshot...girls gotta know whats going on in the world!!


I had some spinach that I had bought and totally forgot about! I call this a "Fridge Surprise"....I sauteed the spinach for a bit in the pan, then pour in one egg yolk and one egg white. Put that little omelet onto a flat out and wham, bam! 

It is very rare that I get to enjoy a cup of coffee while sitting and not on the go, so I was pretty pumped about that! I also dug out a kiwi that was at the bottom of the fruit bowl. I always find I crave something sweet in the morning, so fruit is always a good choice (or a handful of M &Ms if I really want to start the day off right!) This made my breakfast extra green! (the coffee mug and placemat were not planned!)

The students are off today, so it is a "teacher work day"....what a great way to start the weekend!! 

What will you be up to this weekend?

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